The humiliation of the Kenyan president shows the power of the African youth

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The events that led to this William Ruto Unpleasant abolish its budget could ultimately be seen as a milestone – not only for the Kenyan president, but also for the strength of the youth on the world’s youngest continent.

Through the strength of the protest, which has been largely organized organically, a movement initiated by young people on social media has forced one of Africa’s most internationally respected leaders to abandon his most important policies.

It is not that Mr Ruto now realizes that he was wrong in his insistence on the tax increases that caused so much anger in Kenya. In fact, he began his address to the nation on Wednesday with a robust and detailed explanation of why he believed they were necessary.

His government, he said, had made the tough choices needed to stabilize the economy and help Kenya escape a debt trap that forces the country to spend 61 cents of every tax dollar on repaying its loans.

The Finance Bill was essential, he claimed, to “relieve our country from the inconvenience of debt and assert our sovereignty.”

That makes it all the more surprising that the turmoil of recent days has forced the embattled president to change course so completely.

Instead of raising additional revenue, Ruto now plans to balance the books by introducing a new program of public austerity.

Notably, it will include a cut in spending in his own office – a clear nod to the anger heard by many on the streets over alleged government corruption and largesse.

And in an effort to reach Kenyan youth directly, the president pledged to engage and listen to them.

Mr Ruto spoke to an audience of his own MPs, whom he thanked for supporting his bill. Many could now be forgiven for wondering where his U-turn leaves their credibility.

There is no doubt that the past two days have been a trying time for the president.

His security forces were roundly condemned for their brutal response to Tuesday’s demonstrations, which reportedly left at least 22 people dead, several of whom were shot by police.

In the aftermath of the bloody protests, Ruto highlighted the criminal excesses at the heart of the chaos, threatening a strong response to the storming of parliament and widespread looting.

But his concession on the substance of his current policy was accompanied by an acceptance that the demonstrations had essentially been a legitimate expression of anger.

“It has become clear,” he acknowledged, “that members of the public continue to insist that we need to make more concessions.”

“I lead a government, but I also lead people, and the people have spoken.”

The question at home now is whether people think the repeal of Ruto’s finance bill goes far enough.

Some have called for Thursday’s planned protests to go ahead and demand the president’s resignation.

The coming days will show whether the genie of public anger can be put back in the bottle.

Outside Kenya, Mr Ruto will wonder how the crisis has affected his global position.

Some of his country’s closest diplomatic allies and the UN Secretary General demanded that Kenya uphold the right to peaceful public protest.

That pressure may have played a role in the difference in tone between his speeches yesterday and today.

Perhaps the reaction to the violence displayed by his security forces will be as powerful in shaping Mr Ruto’s response as the sight of thousands demonstrating against him.

Whatever has led to his new path, less than two years into his term, Mr Ruto’s job is to rebuild and regain momentum.

But the Kenyan president must implement an economic policy in which he does not appear to believe.

Some of Mr Ruto’s opponents may see today’s message as a statement of intent – a lesson hard learned by a humble leader.

But for others, this victory over the powerful could provide new impetus to continue challenging the president’s authority.

And this episode could also resonate elsewhere in Africa.

Because while Ruto’s turnaround was not ultimately caused by the anger of the youth alone, he himself today acknowledged that it was Kenya’s youth who had fanned the flames.

As a continent, Africa has the youngest population in the world, with almost three-quarters of its citizens under the age of 35.

Many of them will see today’s events as proof that with enough determination they can force their leaders to hear their voices.

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