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Watch Jacob Collier and Aurora perform from the Arctic for ocean and climate protection awareness


Jacob Collier and Swedish alt-pop artist Aurora recently boarded a ship to the Arctic to perform amid the glaciers.

In the video, which premieres today (October 1), the duo perform a mash-up of their two songs, Collier’s ‘A Rock Somewhere’ from his 2024 album. Djesse Vol. 4 and Aurora’s 2019 song ‘The Seed’, where the performance aims to raise awareness for ocean and climate protection.

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“The moment I heard about the opportunity to hop aboard one of the legendary Greenpeace ships, head to the Arctic waters and sing a song with one of my favorite artists next to a mighty glacier, I knew I signed up for something special,” Collier said in a statement. “What I didn’t anticipate was how transformative and moving the experience would be, and how much I would learn from it – musically, energetically and environmentally.

“I was deeply impressed by the sheer size of the Arctic – and also by its profound fragility,” Collier continues. “Over the past forty years we have lost two-thirds of all Arctic summer ice. It is a shadow of its former self – but it is not too late for us to help.

“We compete with each other as nations, but we forget the one thing we all have in common,” Aurora added. “If we continue to interfere with the few untouched areas on this earth, there will be no future. We must stop deep-sea mining. I hope that our Prime Minister and the other world leaders will do what is right. Not for them, but for the children’s children.”

Greenpeace notes that millions of people around the world have signed the Greenpeace petition calling for the protection of the oceans. 32 countries currently support a moratorium on deep-sea mining, a precautionary pause or a ban on deep-sea mining in the international seabed, which covers more than half the Earth. Greenpeace adds that 58 leading electric vehicle and technology companies have publicly committed not to extract minerals from the deep sea. This list includes Google, Samsung, Apple, Volvo and BMW.

“Last year we won a historic Global Ocean Treaty, keeping alive our goal of protecting 30 percent of the world’s oceans by 2030,” Dr. Laura Meller from Greenpeace Nordic says in a statement. “But governments now want to explore the depths. We won’t let that happen. We hope this collaboration will inspire millions of people around the world to join our mission to protect the oceans for future generations. We still have time, but governments must act now. They must protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030 and implement a moratorium on deep-sea mining.”

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