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UN envoy welcomes democratic progress amid alarming violence — Global Issues


Maria Isabel Salvador, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Haiti, briefed ambassadors at the Security Councilwith emphasis on the installation of the Transitional Presidential Council in April and the swearing in of an interim prime minister and a new government in June as “clear signs of progress.

Haiti is facing a complex crisis, marked by years of political instability, widespread gang violence, disease outbreaks and a range of threats exacerbated by climate change.

Across the country, it is estimated that around 5.5 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, of which nearly 600,000 people – more than half of them children – internally displaced and in urgent need of support.

Participation of women

She also praised the transitional government’s efforts to increase the participation of women and other minorities in key government positions. Six of the 18 ministries are now headed by women, representing 33 percent of all ministries.

Inclusion and diversity are essential to promote a political transition that paves the way for the restoration of state institutions and effectively responds to the needs and aspirations of all Haitians,” she said.

Ms Salvador, who also heads the UN mission in the country (ALMOST) welcomed the new Prime Minister’s commitment to combating corruption and promoting human rights and justice.

UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Realigning priorities

She informed council members that BINUH is realigning its priorities to support a Haitian-led transition that includes credible, inclusive and participatory elections, with the aim of installing elected authorities by February 2026.

To this end, she proposed strengthening the BINUH’s electoral expertise.

Increasing the participation of women and youth is a fundamental pillar of BINUH’s renewed strategy to support the political process, she stressed, also emphasizing that the focus is on promoting human rights in Haitian society.

Fight against gang violence

In the area of ​​security, Ms Salvador reported that the basis for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, authorised by the Security Council, resolution 2699 (2023), has been completed. She added that the first batch of Kenyan police officers arrived for deployment on June 25.

She also welcomed the appointment of a new Director General of the Haitian National Police (HNP), describing this as “new hope for the ongoing fight against gang violence.”

The resolution also mandated the MSS mission to establish a human rights monitoring mechanism.

As the MSS mission deploys, Ms. Salvador stressed the need to strengthen the human rights area in BINUH to provide the necessary support.

Looking forward

Looking ahead, the Special Representative stressed the importance of establishing a coordination mechanism between national authorities, the MSS mission, the UN and other partners in Haiti.

She noted that although the Security Council, in resolution 2692 passed in 2023, authorizing a strengthened police component in BINUH, financial constraints and a hiring freeze hampered progress in scaling up the police and prison system.

Ms. Salvador concluded her briefing by reaffirming BINUH’s full commitment to working with the Government and stakeholders to achieve stability, peace and a better future for all Haitian men, women, youth and children.

Haitians continue to fight for a better future: interim PM

UN Photo/Manuel Elías

Garry Conille, interim Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti, addresses the Security Council.

Also at the Security Council, Garry Conille, interim Prime Minister of Haitistressed that the people of his country “continue to fight for a better future”.

Mr Conille, who was present pursuant to Article 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure on the participation of non-members, underlined that: “There is an urgent need for a sustainable solution to the security problems exacerbated by the activities of criminal gangs.

He urged effective cooperation between national authorities, the MSS mission and BINUH to help restore security and re-establish democratic institutions, which he described as “strategic for the transition.”

Mr Conille stressed that since his appointment as interim Prime Minister, he has held several working sessions with the Transitional Presidential Council, anti-corruption and accountability institutions, law enforcement agencies, the private sector and diaspora associations.

He called for solidarity to help Haiti emerge from the crises that have plagued the country for decades, stressing that “every day must be used wisely.”

click here for full coverage of this meeting on UN Meetings Coverage.

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