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UN Deputy Head – Global Issues


Speaking at an event commemorating the 49th anniversary of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed noted the progress made, in addition to immediate challenges.

“Over the past ten years, the region has seen an exponential increase in terrorism that has offset development gains. This has been exacerbated by the resurgence of unconstitutional regime changes that pose a significant threat to regional stability,” she said.

Humanitarian needs are increasing amid the web of crises, “creating a new dynamic, brings new risks of conflict, also outside the region”.

“ECOWAS on 49 reminds us that the road ahead is challenging, but also full of potential. This requires both a multilateral and a regional response to the complexities each country faces,” Ms. Mohammed added.

Collective solutions

The Deputy Secretary-General underlined the need to use “all existing instruments,” while co-designing new solutions to meet people’s expectations.

Peace and security must underpin the ‘Vision for Africa’ in the socio-economic development framework of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, with a strong emphasis on strong democratic institutions, she said.

“The values ​​of democracy and good governance still apply to our region. But recent developments tell us that the population is questioning our models of democracy and the need to be made fit for purpose, in line with local realities,” she added, also urging that the root causes of conflicts in the region are addressed.

Save the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals The SDGs – which are woefully off track – must be saved, the UN deputy chief said.

Efforts must be stepped up to achieve development goals by the 2030 deadline, with “bold and transformative” actions, Ms Mohammed said.

She emphasized the need for investments in just energy transitions, food systems, digital connectivity, education and skills, as well as climate action and social protection.

A unique opportunity

Mr Mohammed also underlined that the Future Summit in September provides a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to address gaps in global governance, including for peace and security as part of the Secretary-General’s plans . New agenda for peace.

In that context, Africa will be a crucial player in finding ways to end existing conflicts and prevent new ones – with women playing a central role.

“As negotiations on a new pact for the future (the outcome of the Future Summit) intensify, I encourage all of you to be involved in all aspects,” she said.

Silence weapons in Gaza, Sudan

Finally, the Deputy Secretary-General drew attention to the conflicts in Sudan and Gaza, “which continue to cause unimaginable suffering, especially for women and children.”

She reiterated the need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the unconditional release of all hostages and a path to a lasting two-state solution.

“We are united in our call for peace, to silence the guns across Africa and to work to end all conflicts around the world,” she concluded.

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