Sheinbaum proposes return to ‘no re-election’ of Mexico lawmakers


(Below in Spanish)

The elected president of Mexico Claudia Sheinbaum presented on July 3 the initiative for the reform of the constitution, which provides for the non-re-election of deputies and senators. She will send this initiative, along with other reforms that she promotes, to Congress, less than 100 days before the change of government.

During a press conference, Sheinbaum said the change in the law passed during the former president’s presidency Felipe Calderon (2006-12), which allowed for the re-election of legislators, “was not based on the people’s demand for re-election.”

“The people of Mexico do not want to be re-elected, and we saw that during the pre-election campaign and during the campaign itself,” said the president-elect, who will take office on October 1.

Senator-elect Ernestina Godoythe new head of the legal advisory firm in the Sheinbaum government, explained that the initiative document will be sent to the Ministry of the Interior to be presented to Congress, along with the rest of the reforms promoted by the outgoing government of current President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“We are returning to what was the slogan of the Mexican Revolution, which was ‘effective suffrage, no re-election,’ in our history, and at some point this was ignored, and Dr. Sheinbaum decided to return and take up the essence of the Constitution of 1917,” Godoy indicated.

In Mexico, the constitution prohibits the re-election of the president.

The future legal advisor summarized the contents of the initiative, including articles 59, 116 and 122 of the Constitution, to abolish the re-election of deputies and senators, a change that Calderón proposed in 2009.

“Senators and delegates of the Congress of the Union shall not be re-elected for the term following their mandate,” reads the proposed text of Article 59.

In addition, Godoy proposed reforms to Article Four of the Constitution to provide pensions for women between the ages of 60 and 64 and scholarships for students. Sheinbaum continued to repeat this promise during her campaign.

Sheinbaum pointed out that the reform is aimed at “reclaiming what was historic” and specified that “apart from that, there is the electoral reform, but that comes later.”

Sheinbaum again proposes not to re-elect Mexico lawmakers

Mexico’s elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, presented the initiative for constitutional reform on July 3 to prevent re-election of deputies and senators. She sent her letter to Congress, along with the other reforms that the government has implemented, less than 100 days after the change of government.

During the press conference, Sheinbaum confirmed that the change in the law decided by former President Felipe Calderón (2006-2012), who gave the green light to lawmakers, “was not supported by a request from the city government for re-election.”

“The village of Mexico does not want to be re-elected, and we do that in the pre-campaign, in the campaign (…) That is why we only plan to return to what the people say in the Constitution and to return to the Constitution in its original drafting,” and we have asked the next proxy to place the next October 1.

Senator-elect Ernestina Godoy, the first holder of the Legal Council in the Sheinbaum government, explained in detail that the office would be sent with the initiative to the Secretariat of Government to be notified after it was presented before Congress, along with the rest of the reforms that have put the spotlight on the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“We go back to what was the book of the Mexican Revolution, which is ‘effective, not reelected,’ in our story, and at some point it failed and the doctorate decided to return and revoke the essence of the Constitution of 1917,” Godoy wrote.

In Mexico, re-election of the presidency is expressly prohibited by the Constitution.

The future legal publication concerns the content of the initiative, which includes articles 59, 116 and 122 of the Constitution to prevent the re-election of the Deputies and Senators, which was proposed by Calderón in 2009.

“The senators and delegates of the Congress of the United Nations shall not be eligible for re-election for the period immediately following the completion of their mandate,” read the proposed text in Article 59.

On the other hand, Godoy presented the beginnings of Article 4 of the Constitution to introduce retirees to women aged 60 to 64, and that because of the students that Sheinbaum promised to win most of their campaign.

Sheinbaum indicated that the reform sought to “roll back what has historically been done” and clarified that “it is the electoral reform that has been done since then.”

“There are candidates who participate in a legislative assembly, after leaving their legislative assembly and have the possibility – in another occasion – to go to the competitor, the problem is the direct re-election, and there the grand mayor of the village of Mexico is not able to help her, and among other things, because it has been so long since it worked like that and the people did not want to be re-elected,” said the future governor.

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