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Seaplane plows into boat during takeoff before immediately splashing down

GIF: CBC News / YouTube

A seaplane took off straight into the side of a boat as he took off for a sightseeing flight on Saturday from a port into Vancouver, Canada. The pilot and five passengers aboard De Haviland DHC-2 Beaver escaped the crash uninjured. CBC News reports. Those on the boat were less lucky: two people were sent to hospital with injuries.

It is surprising that these types of collisions occur because most water bodies are open and flat. There is nothing for a boat to hide behind and appear unexpectedly. An Australian tourist told the CBC“We saw two speedboats in front of it and I’m not sure if he hit the speedboat or not, but he kind of jumped in the air and did a dive over the top of the speedboats.” The video footage shows the seaplane trying to take off. It is unclear whether the pilot did not see the boat or tried to clear it.

That was the Beaver sink quickly when one of the floats was destroyed. The six people on board were standing on top of the plane while it sank. The first ship on the scene was a ferry from SeaBus, Vancouver’s passenger service. However, the Canadian Coast Guard quickly launched a rescue operation. April Larson, ferry captain, told CTV News“It’s the law. If you see someone in need, in trouble, you have to help them.”

Canada’s Transportation Safety Board is investigating the incident and will hopefully discover why the crash occurred. The seaplane in question will also be recovered the bottom of the harbour.

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