rights experts — Global issues

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Akua Kuenyehia, Chairman of the independent expert mechanism for advancing racial justice said: “Manifestations of systemic racism against Africans and people of African descent by law enforcement and in criminal justice systems remain prevalent in many parts of the world, and widespread impunity persists.”

While they also faced “broad impunity,” the experts explained that victims’ rights to truth, justice, reparations and guarantees against recurrence were barely fulfilled.

Recommendations for change

Following numerous reports of repeated police brutality and misconduct, the experts recommended several measures that states could take to ensure victims’ right to justice, accountability and restitution.

The experts said states must establish effective reporting and investigative procedures, independent, impartial law enforcement monitoring groups and independent measures to support victims and communities.

“This should have been done long ago,” said Víctor Rodríguez Rescia, an expert member of the mechanism. “It is time for states to invest in building strong institutions to effectively deliver justice, accountability and redress for victims.”

Mr Rescia further said that states must effectively guarantee a victim’s right to reparations.

Further racism messages

On Wednesday the experts will present the report to the Council for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, together with reports from country visits to Brazil and Italy.

The reports on the two countries reveal further racism against people of African descent leading to racial profiling and police brutality.

The reports also include recommendations on how government agencies can increase accountability against law enforcement in the respective countries.

About the expert mechanism

Experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council monitor and report on specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world.

The experts are not employees of the UN and are independent of any government or organization. They perform their work on an individual basis and do not receive a salary for their work.

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