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Regional crisis threatens to engulf Syria, UN envoy warns — Global Issues

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Briefing of ambassadors in the Security CouncilGeir Pedersen expressed serious concern about the increasing violence and its impact on Syria, which has been embroiled in a civil war since 2011, which later also involved foreign troops.

He highlighted an attack earlier in the day on a vehicle at Damascus International Airport and warned of the looming risk of a wider regional war.

“There is a clear and present danger of a broader regional war that targets the Syrian people…the greatest need of the hour is de-escalation, now, across the region – including a ceasefire in Gaza,” He said.

Situation in Lebanon

The Security Council will discuss the situation in Lebanon on Tuesday afternoon. UN News will cover the meeting LIVE and via social media.

Follow our coverage here (will be live shortly before 3:00 PM New York time) and on X here.

UN Photo/Loey Felipe

A file photo of the Security Council during its session.

Divided by active front lines

Mr Pedersen described the serious situation in Syria, with hostilities involving pro-government and terrorist groups Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria (ISIL-Syria), including the use of heavy weapons, drones and snipers.

“Let us not forget that Syria remains in a deep state of conflict and territorial division. There are millions of Syrians living under government control, but there are still millions living outside government control or abroad.“, he said.

He stressed that there are “four or more areas divided by active frontlines,” consisting of six foreign armies engaged in active conflict – some at the invitation of the government, and a multitude of Syrian armed actors and groups designated as terrorist groups by the Security Council.

And there is also a regional crisis, which is “in constant danger of spilling over into Syria”.

Social trust is scarce

He further warned that in addition to military and territorial divisions, Syrian society is also fragmented.

The causes of the conflict remain“The grievances are real and enduring and there are still very different visions of post-conflict Syria,” he said, stressing that it is “unrealistic to think” that stability can be achieved without an inclusive, UN-facilitated political process.

“We, as the United Nations, are among the few who can directly engage with Syrians from all sides of this conflict – not only the political actors, but also civil society, including women, whom we bring to Geneva from all corners of the country and from the diaspora,” Mr Pedersen stressed.

Deepening humanitarian crisis

As the crisis in Syria unfolds, the humanitarian crisis is growing, with millions of civilians, especially children, facing unprecedented challenges.

More than 16 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection, more than half of whom are children, said Ramesh Rajasingham, director of coordination at OCHAambassadors said.

UN Photo/Laura Jarriel

Ramesh Rajasingham, Director of Coordination at OCHA, briefs the Security Council on the situation in Syria.

Families in desperate need are forced into ‘negative coping strategies’ – sending young boys to work and forcing young girls to marry earlyhe noted.

Children are also at greater risk of sexual violence and other forms of abuse, especially if they are separated from their families or in displaced persons camps.

Mr. Rajasingham further noted that humanitarian organizations, faced with soaring needs, lack the resources to respond. The $4.07 billion Syria Response Plan for 2024 is only about 25 percent funded approximately $1.04 billion.

Determined to find ways forward

Faced with this “sobering reality”, Mr Pedersen said he remains determined to find constructive ways forward.

Next week in New York, he will meet with the Syrian Foreign Minister and the Chairman of the Syrian Negotiations Commission, along with other stakeholders and donor country representatives.

His message to all will be clear: the UN-facilitated political process must be advanced on three crucial fronts.

These include reviving the stalled Constitutional Commission, taking measures to build confidence and developing a comprehensive new approach that balances the interests of all parties.

UN Photo/Elma Okic

A look at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. (file)

Human Rights Council discussions

Meanwhile in Geneva, the Human Rights Council – the UN’s lead body for all rights matters – discussed the situation in Syria, with the head of an independent commission of inquiry saying the country “descends further into a swamp of misery and despair“.

Civilians are still being killed every day in a senseless war that has destroyed the country economically and politically.“, which dramatically undermines the social fabric,” said Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry, during an interactive dialogue with ambassadors in Geneva.

The discussion followed the presentation earlier this week of the Commission of Inquiry’s report, which outlined the human rights situation and made recommendations for action.

The Commission was established by the Human Rights Council in August 2011 to investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law committed in Syria since March of that year. These violations were accompanied by mass anti-government protests that were subsequently suppressed by the security forces.

The President and the members are independent of the United Nations. They are not UN staff and do not receive any salary for their work.

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