NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – You might say this story is for the birds!
It’s a phenomenon seen in Nashville every summer, as Purple Martins return to their Music City nest before making their annual trip to South America in the fall.
You’re likely to see tens of thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of Purple Martins perched on the trees just outside the southwest end zone of Nissan Stadium.
The birds have been coming to Nashville annually since the 1990s, nesting somewhere in or near the city center during the months of July and August.
They usually move their habitat once every three to five years, and this year they even moved across the river to the East Bank.
For the past two years, Purple Martins have been nesting in trees just outside the Schermerhorn Center downtown. As you might guess, this has caused quite a mess every night. As a result, the trees have been replaced with a new species.
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Apparently, in 2024, the birds decided to return to the other side of the river, choosing trees on the southwest corner of Nissan Stadium.
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We watched them every morning on the radar as they took off and flew in a circle that grew larger as they searched for food during the day.
The birds then return at sunset to repeat the process the next day, finally leaving for their winter quarters in South America towards the end of August.
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