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Persistent restrictions hinder humanitarian access to Gaza – Global issues


Humanitarians said “security and humanitarian access conditions” have been further reduced since May due to increased violence in northern and southern Gaza, especially in Rafah, where Israeli forces continued their bombing and military offensive.

“Despite the presence of a system to inform and coordinate humanitarian movements, obstacles, delays and denials of missions often continue to limit the movement of humanitarian personnel and the delivery of aid,” OCHA said in his latest humanitarian update.

UNICEF’s limited access

Humanitarian access restrictions have also affected the work of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warning that more than 3,000 children suffering from acute malnutrition will not be able to receive treatment if supplies cannot be distributed, according to Jonathan Crickx, head of communications in Palestine.

The agency reported that recent data from the Palestinian Ministry of Health shows that more than 14,000 children have reportedly been killed in conflict in Gaza, and thousands more have been injured.

There are no safe spaces. All children in Gaza have been exposed to the traumatic experiences of warthe consequences of which will last a lifetime,” UNICEF said in a statement.

The UN agency also reported that hundreds of thousands of children in the Gaza Strip have been internally displaced; some of those in Rafah are now living in tents or unstable housing.

“They must be protected, along with the other services on which they depend, including medical facilities and shelter,” UNICEF said.

Struggling to survive

On Tuesday, the UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) has released a rack on

Survival is a struggle. Families and children walk long distances in the heat for water,” said UNRWA. “People need water to live – Israeli authorities must provide access NOW.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) adds that there is only one hospital in the city of Rafah that provides healthcare services in the area – the United Arab Emirates Field Hospital – and which is only “partially functional and continues to provide services to 37 patients within the facility, but not accessible is for new patients. ”

In a after on X Tuesday, the UN health agency said hostilities in the area are making access to the hospital difficult.

In addition, the UN World Food Program (WFP) has only been able to reach 27,000 people in Rafah with hot meals. The agency said many people “face severe shortages of food, clean water, medical supplies and health care services.”

A call for a ceasefire

The UN led by the Secretary General continues to call for an urgent ceasefire to end civilian suffering.

The WHO in Palestine on

Likewise, UNICEF demands an “immediate and sustained humanitarian ceasefire” linked to “safe and unrestricted humanitarian access to and within the Gaza Strip, to reach affected populations.”

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