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Moving from fear to hope after the war on drugs in the Philippines – Global issues


Thousands of people in the Southeast Asian country have reportedly been killed during the so-called war on drugs promoted by the last Philippine government.

But now a more compassionate and less punitive approach is being taken from the local level.

UN News/Daniel Dickinson

Michael John Maestro shows illustrations of substance abuse prevention by local students.

UN news’ Daniel Dickinson traveled to Antipolo – close to the capital Manlia – to meet Michael John Maestro, a registered nurse who works in the prevention and treatment of drug abuse at the Antipolo City Anti-Drug Abuse Office and whose work is supported by the UN agency for drug abuse. Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

“A young man, who I will call Carlo, who was abusing meth-amphetamine was referred to our office. He had psychotic episodes in December last year and January this year and threatened his mother.

He also tried to strangle a child. His family realized they needed to keep him and other people in the community safe, so they kept him locked in his room. He only had his dog Butchokoy for company.

© UNODC/Laura Gil

Carlo at home with his dog Butchokoy.

I realized that his substance abuse was due to mental health issues as he was exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia, which could have been chemically induced by the meth-amphetamine.

He was prescribed antipsychotics six weeks ago and the change since I last saw him is incredible. He has no longer experienced psychotic episodes, his mood is more positive and he can move around his neighborhood and even play basketball with other young people.

Crime and punishment

During the war on drugs, he could have been targeted, thrown in jail and perhaps even murdered. That period was characterized by fear and punishment and people who used drugs were considered evil and a threat to society.

It was clear to me that Carlo needed compassion and understanding and not punishment. He’s a normal human being, he just has different medical needs. Drug addiction is a chronic condition. It is both a medical and a mental health condition that requires treatment, and that is now the new approach here in Antipolo and by health authorities across the country.

This policy change and our compassion for people who abuse drugs has led to more people seeking treatment for their condition at the Anti-Drug Abuse Office in Antipolo City. Last year, 30 people voluntarily requested treatment from us, but already in the first five months of 2024 we have seen 36 patients.

Reduce stigma

By showing respect and empathy we can continue to help reduce the stigma that still exists around people who use drugs. This change will take time, but from my experience talking about drugs in schools and community centers, I think people are willing to listen.

UN News/Daniel Dickinson

Young men play basketball in Antipolo City.

With help of UNODCI use a toolkit of questionnaires that identify patient needs and inform treatment plans. The toolkit tracks a range of economic, health and social data and based on the information we collect, we can refer the patient to the appropriate community agency to treat and support him or her.

The toolkit approach is unique and we are conducting an impact study in the hope that if the results are positive, we can expand it to other municipalities in the Philippines.

I am very passionate about my work. I look at people and see that they need help, my role is to provide it. The love and passion I feel for the people who come into my office and the positive change in their lives that I can contribute to through a compassionate approach gives me the motivation to do this work.”

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