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More accidents with e-scooters recorded in Germany


Young people in Germany are more likely to be involved in accidents involving e-scooters than any other group. Some 42% of e-scooter riders who had an accident last year were under 25, the German Statistical Office reported on Friday.

According to the agency, about 80% of the accident victims were under the age of 45.

In total, the police registered 9,425 e-scooter accidents with personal injury in Germany in 2023, 14.1% more than the previous year when there were 8,260 accidents. The number of deaths after accidents doubled from 11 deaths in 2022 to 22.

In 2023, 1,220 people were seriously injured and 8,911 slightly injured. The vast majority, or 83%, of the injured were riding the e-scooter themselves, including 21 of the 22 fatalities.

According to statisticians, accidents occur mainly in large cities. About 60% of all accidents with e-scooters occur in cities with at least 100,000 inhabitants.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the most common causes of these incidents are: improper use of the road or sidewalk and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Accidents caused by carelessly parked e-scooters are not included in these figures. In some cities, parking is now only allowed in designated collection zones.

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