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Mayor of Kharkiv calls for international aid to rebuild war-torn city


Kharkov Mayor Ihor Terekhov has called for international help to rebuild the northeastern Ukrainian city, which has suffered extensive damage from several Russian airstrikes.

Terekhov told a conference in Berlin on Monday that the destruction had caused damage of more than 10 billion euros.

The city, where about 1.5 million people live, has been heavily bombed for weeks.

Russia is bombing civilian infrastructure and killing children, women and men, Terekhov said. But Ukraine is holding out. The goal is to make the city better and safer during reconstruction, he added.

A two-day reconstruction conference in Ukraine starts in Berlin on Tuesday. Berlin’s top economic official, Franziska Giffey, said Germany supports Ukraine and will play a leading role in its reconstruction.

Nuremberg Mayor Marcus König spoke of a beacon of hope, signaling strong support for Ukraine. Nuremberg and Kharkiv are sister cities.

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