Israeli army returns to Gaza City, orders all residents to evacuate


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Israel on Wednesday ordered all residents of Gaza City to evacuate, after the army launched raids and a ground operation months after heavy fighting last took place there.

In recent weeks, Israel has returned to areas in the enclave where it previously fought Hamas forces, in a sign that the conflict may drag on. become a war of attrition.

The estimated quarter of a million people living in Gaza City are instructed to take routes leading to bomb shelters, but United Nations officials criticized the evacuation order as unclear and unsafe.

“Everything has been destroyed from north to south, and if there is still a place that is relatively quiet, it is the packed with people in tents like sardines“, a Gaza City resident told Haaretz.

The Israeli army returned to Gaza City as confidence has decreased that the latest talks between Israel and Hamas officials would result in a ceasefire and hostage agreement. Israel has set conditions for any agreement that analysts say are a major obstacle.

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