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How to Make Friends as You Get Older


HIGH POINT, NC (WGHP) — Today is the International Day of Friendship. In 1998, the United Nations appointed Winnie-the-Pooh as the World Ambassador of Friendship. In 2011, the UN officially designated July 30 as the International Day of Friendship.

As we get older, it becomes harder to make new friends. You are busy with family and children. You don’t have much time left. But friendships are important, especially for mental health. So in Mom is important, Five ways to make new friends.

All your parenting issues addressed on Mommy Matters

Try a community class first. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try pottery, painting, or cooking. Check out the classes offered at your local community college. You’ll meet people with similar interests who may become good friends.

Try volunteering for something you are passionate about. Not only will you be spending time doing something you enjoy, but you will also meet others who feel the same way.

Another idea is a parenting group. Many schools and churches have them. It’s a great way to connect with other parents and find people who have similar interests to you.

Think of a book club or other interest group that brings together people with a shared interest.

Make friends with people at the gym or in a fitness group. You can work out together and go for coffee afterwards.

It can be hard to step out of your comfort zone and meet someone new, but it all starts with the word “hello.” Remember, you don’t have to have an in-depth conversation on the first date. Just break the ice, ask questions, and listen to what a new potential friend has to say. Then you can decide if you want to pursue a lasting friendship.

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