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German welfare organization criticizes government for freezing unemployment benefits


A German welfare organization has criticized the government’s decision to freeze unemployment benefits for 2025.

According to the Social Federation of Germany (SoVD), the freeze, which was confirmed on Wednesday by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil, shows that the center-left governing coalition is out of touch with the needs of job seekers.

“Poverty is part of everyday life for many people in Germany. The fact that after years of crisis and with prices for daily necessities remaining at a high level, there is now a threat of a freeze is due to the current formula for calculating standard needs,” said SoVD leader Michaela Engelmeier.

Engelmeier added: “What is needed is a new procedure for determining needs that realistically matches the daily needs of those affected and prevents poverty from increasing further in our country.”

Heil previously said freezing benefits was “the right thing to do” as inflation fell to 1.9% in August.

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