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German Frankfurt Airport records passenger growth in June


Germany’s Frankfurt Airport, a European aviation hub, has seen an increase in passenger numbers and is optimistic about the year as a whole, airport operator Fraport said on Thursday.

In June, Fraport registered more than 5.6 million passengers, 1.4% more than a year earlier, it was announced in Frankfurt.

This is in light of seasonal factors that influenced the figures. The Pentecost holiday period took place in June last year, which gave the figures a boost then, but took place in May this year.

The current monthly figure is still around 14.4% below pre-pandemic passenger numbers in June 2019.

The freight sector saw a significant increase in June. Some 178,324 tonnes of freight and air freight were handled in Frankfurt, 11.4% more than a year earlier.

“In the first half of the year, we saw passenger numbers increase by 1.8 million and welcomed around 28.8 million travelers in Frankfurt,” said Stefan Schulte, CEO of Fraport.

“Without the many strikes at the beginning of the year, we would have served around 500,000 more passengers,” he added. Despite this loss, Schulte said Fraport is still on track for a full-year volume of 61 million to 65 million passengers.

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