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Czech Republic believes Russia was behind bus arson


The Czech Republic accuses Russia of being behind an attempted arson following the arrest of a terrorist suspect in Prague.

“It is not only possible, but very likely that Russia is involved in this case,” Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on television Monday after a meeting of the National Security Council. “Everything indicates that this was organized and financed from abroad,” said the liberal-conservative politician.

Last Thursday’s arson targeted buses of the Prague public transport company. It was unsuccessful due to the quick response of the company’s staff.

Fiala thanked the secret services and the police for their ‘extremely good and professional work’. The investigation continued, he said.

Police said the suspect, who was arrested this weekend after a public manhunt, is a 26-year-old foreigner. The man had only entered the country a few days earlier.

A court has ordered that he be taken into custody. He is accused of committing a terrorist crime. If found guilty, he could face a prison sentence of up to 20 years. According to previously released information, the suspect is from South America.

The Czech Republic is one of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters in its fight against the Russian invasion. The EU and NATO member states are behind an initiative aimed at procuring up to 800,000 artillery shells for Kiev from countries outside the EU.

In the past, the Czech Republic has supplied Ukraine with military equipment, including combat and infantry fighting vehicles, multiple rocket launchers, helicopter gunships and ammunition.

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