China makes history as the first country to retrieve samples from the far side of the moon



China’s unmanned lunar mission Chang’e-6 successfully landed in Inner Mongolia on Tuesday, bringing home the world’s first-ever samples from the far side of the moon, an area previously unexplored by return missions.

  • Unraveling space secrets: The Chang’e-6 probe collected lunar soil of the South Pole-Aitken Basin, a huge crater on the far side of the moon. Scientists believe these samples could hold crucial clues about the formation of the moon, Earth and solar system. Chinese and international scientists will conduct analyzes of the samples in Beijing.

  • A jump into the space race: In her goal to position herself as one great space forceChina plans to launch Chang’e-7 to the moon’s south pole in 2026, followed by Chang’e-8 in 2028 to focus on resource utilization for a planned lunar research station. China plans to put astronauts on the moon by 2030.

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