Burkina Faso military junta bans homosexual relations


Burkina Faso’s military junta has imposed a ban on homosexual acts, becoming the latest African state to take tougher action against same-sex relationships, despite fierce opposition from Western powers.

Homosexuality was frowned upon in the socially conservative West African state, but it was never banned.

Justice Minister Edasso Rodrigue Bayala said the junta’s cabinet had approved legislation to criminalize it, but he gave no further details.

The military seized power in Burkina Faso in 2022 and has now turned its attention to Russia after drastically cutting ties with former colonial power France.

Homosexual acts were decriminalized in Russia in 1993, but President Vladimir Putin’s government is cracking down on the LGBTQ communityincluding a ban on what she calls “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships.”

Burkina Faso’s decision to ban homosexual relations is part of a review of its marriage law.

The new legislation, which still needs to be approved by the military-controlled parliament and signed by junta leader Ibrahim Traoré, recognizes only religious and traditional marriages.

“From now on, homosexuality and related practices will be punishable by law,” said the Minister of Justice, quoted by the AFP news agency.

Captain Traoré came to power in September 2022 after overthrowing another military leader, Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Damiba, who he accused of failing to quell the Islamist insurgency that has gripped Burkina Faso since 2015.

Burkina Faso was among 22 of 54 African countries where same-sex relations were not criminalised.

Unlike many former British colonies, the country did not pass anti-gay laws after gaining independence from France in 1960.

Muslims make up about 64% of Burkina Faso’s population and Christians 26%. The remaining 10% of people follow traditional religions or have no faith.

Many African countries have taken a tougher stance against the LGBTQ community in recent years.

Uganda is one of the countries that has passed legislation to further crack down on the community, despite strong condemnations from local human rights groups and Western powers.

The daughter of Cameroon’s president has received mixed reactions after coming out as a lesbian last week.

Brenda Biya, who lives abroad, said she hoped her coming out would help change the law banning same-sex relationships in the country.

Cameroon has been ruled with an iron fist since 1982 by her 91-year-old father, Paul Biya.

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