Burglars rob LA County shoe store for 2nd time in a week


The owners of Solez, a recently opened shoe store in La Cañada Flintridge, say they are frustrated after being burglarized for the second time in a week.

The first break-in happened last Thursday and the second was Monday morning. According to the owners, the thieves broke a glass door to get in and then made off with a cash register, cash, a tablet and merchandise.

“We have to close for a couple of days… so that’s obviously not good for our customers,” one owner, who did not want to be identified, told KTLA 5’s Kimberly Cheng. “We want protection. We want to feel safe. I don’t want to wake up and my neighbors don’t want to wake up at 3 or 6 in the morning and worry about their store and their property. Something they’ve worked so hard to achieve.”

Burglary in shoe storeBurglary in shoe store

Burglary in shoe store

The owners say they hired private security after the initial break-in, but the thieves struck minutes after their guard left early Monday morning.

Investigators believe the thieves arrived in two stolen cars, a red Hyundai and a silver Kia, one of which was abandoned at the scene.

No description of the suspects is available.

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