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Australian man hijacked and run over by his own vehicle


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Australian man hijacked and run over by his own vehicle

A man in Melbourne, Australia was run over by his own vehicle after a carjacker left with it. The terrifying situation was captured on security camera and show how quickly someone can take over your ride if the situation is perfect for it.

The potential car thief tries to save himself while the victim runs away.

In the footage shared by local channel 10 News First, you can see the intersection sitting on a narrow street in Melbourne’s Central Business District. A man and a woman had just unloaded belongings from the vehicle and were standing on the pavement nearby when the car thief approaches.

The suspect drives up silently electric scooterloads it in through the driver’s side back door and then jumps into the driver’s seat. That’s when the man and woman both realize the vehicle is about to be stolen.

Both victims ran to the crossover in an attempt to stop the carjacker. As the woman walked to the driver’s window and attempted to grab the steering wheel, the man immediately put himself in danger by standing in front of the vehicle.

Maybe the man thought he was blocking the crossing with his body, the thief wouldn’t drive away. He was wrong, almost completely wrong. The suspect just drove on, dragged the woman aside for a moment and literally drove over the man.

10 News First reports that the man was seriously injured and rushed to hospital. We can imagine he was pretty mangled from the ordeal. He has been stabilized, though, so he will survive.

We would never dare a carjacker or a criminal to run us over, in any situation. People who steal and such probably don’t care that much about your well-being.

We also don’t know of any vehicle worth risking your life to stop someone from stealing. The guy probably didn’t think about it and just did it, but it nearly cost him everything.

Image via 10 News First/YouTube

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