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At World Health Assembly, countries agree on efforts to boost pandemic preparedness – Global Issues


Member States of the UN World Health Organization (WHO), on the last day of the seventy-seventh World Health Assemblyadopted significant changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR), including defining a “pandemic emergency” and promising improved access to medical products and financing.

These steps will ensure that there are comprehensive, robust systems in place in all countries to protect everyone everywhere from the risk of future outbreaks and pandemics, WHO said in a press release.

“The historic decisions made today demonstrate this a common desire of Member States to protect their own people and those of the worldof the shared risk of public health emergencies and future pandemics,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO.

He emphasized that the changes to the IHR will strengthen countries’ ability to detect and respond to future outbreaks, strengthen national capacities and improve coordination between countries in disease surveillance, information sharing and response .

“This is built on a commitment to equality, an understanding of that health threats do not recognize national boundaries and that preparedness is a collective effort,” Tedros added.

IHL amendments

The new changes to the IHR include the introduction of a definition of a pandemic emergency to initiate more effective international cooperation on events that are at risk of becoming a pandemic. This definition raises the level of alert by building on existing IHR mechanisms, such as the declaration of a public health emergency of international concern.

A pandemic emergency is identified as a communicable disease that risks widespread geographic spread, overwhelms health care systems, causes substantial social or economic disruption, and requires rapid, equitable, and coordinated international action through a comprehensive government-society approach.

Moreover, the amendments emphasize solidarity and equality in access to medical products and financing through the establishment of a coordinating financial mechanism. This mechanism aims to support developing countries in identifying and obtaining the necessary financing to meet their pandemic prevention, preparedness and response needs and priorities.

The changes also establish a Committee of States Parties promoting and supporting collaboration for effective IHR implementation and creation National IHL authorities to improve regulatory coordination within and between countries.

Completion of the pandemic agreement

The countries also agreed to continue negotiating the proposed pandemic agreement to improve international coordination, cooperation and equality to prevent, prepare for and respond to future pandemics.

WHO Member States have decided to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established in December 2021, to conclude negotiations on a pandemic agreement within one year, by the World Health Assembly in 2025, or earlier if possible.

Speaking at the closing of the World Health Assembly, Tedros applauded delegates for their hard work.

“You have agreed on a way forward for the pandemic agreement, and I remain confident that you will see it through to a successful conclusion,” he said.

The The meeting took place from May 27 to June 1 under the umbrella theme Everything for health, health for everyone.

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