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According to initial French projections, the far-right National Rally has a big lead in the EU elections


PARIS (AP) — First projected results from France on Sunday gave the far-right National Rally party a wide lead in the European Union parliamentary elections, defeating President Emmanuel Macron’s pro-European centrists, French polling houses said.

Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration nationalist party is estimated to receive around 31-32% of the vote, more than twice the score of Macron’s Renaissance Party, which is expected to reach around 15%.

Early indications are a blow to Macron as he tries to lead European efforts Defending Ukraine and boosting the EU’s own defense and industry.

The National Rally’s leading candidate, Jordan Bardella, wants to restrict the free movement of migrants by implementing national border controls and rolling back EU climate rules. The party no longer wants to leave the EU and the euro, but wants to weaken them from within.

“Tonight our compatriots expressed their desire for change,” Bardella said.

“Emmanuel Macron is a weakened president tonight,” he added, calling for new national parliamentary elections to be held.

Initial projections also show a resurgence of the Socialist Party, with around 14% of the vote. The party campaigned for more ambitious climate policies and protections for European companies and workers, with around 14% of the vote.

France elects 81 members of the European Parliament, which has a total of 720 seats.

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