Kenya’s debate over mung bean legislation underlines farmers’ vulnerability – global issues

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Sheba Ogalo and her husband harvest cassava on their farm in Chemelil. Faced with harsh weather conditions, including drought, they have turned to cassava and other drought-resistant crops to sustain their livelihoods. Credit: Robert Kibet/IPS
  • by Robert Kibet (Kitui, Kenya)
  • Inter-Press Office

The Mung Bean Bill is a response to the growing fame of the crop in Kenya. Locally known as ‘Ndengu’, mung beans have gained popularity due to their drought-resistant nature and high demand in both local and international markets. This legislation aims to create a framework for stabilizing prices, standardizing quality and ensuring fair trade practices. However, many farmers fear that the bill will increase existing bureaucratic hurdles without addressing core issues such as the recent fertilizer scandal.

Among those affected is Lucy Mutuku, a smallholder farmer from Kibwezi, a semi-arid region in eastern Kenya. With a weathered face and hands hardened by years of labor, Mutuku stands in her field and explains her decision to venture into mung bean farming. “It was a diversification strategy,” she says, in a voice that conveys the determination of someone who has seen many harvests. “Mung beans are drought tolerant and the use of organic fertilizer helps improve soil fertility. Even with irregular rains, they provide a reliable source of protein for my family and a surplus for the market.”

Mutuku’s journey took a dark turn when she became one of the many victims of the government’s subsidized fertilizer program. “Buying fertilizer has always been expensive,” she says with frustration on her face. “When I heard about the government’s fair price option, I quickly bought it. But then I realized it was fake. My crops were failing and it’s discouraging because farming is my only income.”

The impact of the scandal was widespread Kenyan Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) reports that counterfeit fertilizers accounted for nearly 20 percent of agricultural production this season. This affected several crops, including mung beans, corn and vegetables, devastating small-scale farmers who are now trapped in a cycle of debt and insecurity.

In Makueni County, Beatrice Mwangi, another farmer, invested heavily in mung beans, hoping for a lucrative harvest. With her eyes reflecting a mixture of hope and despair, she remembers the moment she realized the extent of the damage. “I expected a huge harvest,” she says, “but my crops barely grew. When the agricultural bureau confirmed the fertilizer was fake, it was a blow.” Now she, like many others, is struggling to pay back the loans she took out to buy raw materials. She faces financial tensions that threaten her family’s future.

Dominic Mbithi in Kitui, one of Kenya’s semi-arid areas, chose mung beans because of their low water requirements. Mbithi, a wiry man in his forties, uses zai wells, shallow basins that collect and hold water. “This technique helps me maximize water use,” he says, crouching next to one of his holes and examining the soil. Despite the challenges, he has managed to increase his yields and even add value by producing mung bean flour, which he sells to local schools and health centers.

In Taita Taveta, Joyce Mwikali switched from maize and sorghum to mung beans. A determined woman in her 50s, she walks her sandy farm with a pride that belies the struggles she faces.

“Mung beans have a shorter growing season and thrive here,” she explains. Through rotational farming and the use of compost, Mwikali has managed to reduce its dependence on rain-fed agriculture. She now participates in a cooperative that helps with market access, guaranteeing better prices for her products.

Michael Muriuki, a farmer on the eastern slopes of Mount Kenya in Meru, uses drip irrigation to maintain a consistent water supply for his mung beans during dry spells. With a thoughtful attitude, he talks about how this extra income has allowed him to invest in better equipment. “Drip irrigation and integrated pest management have been game changers for me,” he says, keeping his eyes on the neatly lined plants.

In Tharaka-Nithi, Lydia Njeri started growing mung beans to combat the effects of climate change on traditional crops. By planting early and using certified seeds, she has improved her household’s nutrition and found a reliable market for her surplus produce.

“Selling to processors who make mung bean products such as noodles and flour provides me with a steady income,” she notes, her expression softening as she describes the positive changes in her community.

Although the National Assembly has rejected the Mung Bill 2022, proponents of its second reading argue that it could provide a regulatory framework to protect farmers from fraudulent agricultural inputs.

However, critics such as Dr John Mburu, an agricultural economist, warn that legislation alone is insufficient. “We need a comprehensive approach,” he emphasizes, “including stronger enforcement against counterfeit products, farmer education and better quality control infrastructure.”

According to the law, the bill now moves to mediation National Assembly.

The farmers’ stories underline the deep-rooted vulnerabilities within the Kenyan agricultural sector. While the Mung Bean Bill may offer a glimmer of hope, immediate action is required to strengthen regulatory oversight, increase farmer awareness and ensure the authenticity of agricultural products. The future of these farmers – and the country’s food security – depends on it.

As the debate continues, the voices of farmers like Mutuku, Mwangi, Mbithi, Mwikali, Muriuki and Njeri must guide the development of policies that truly support and protect Kenya’s farming community. Only then can such crises be prevented in the future.

The 2024 Mung Bean Congress, held in Bangkok, Thailand, brought together 110 stakeholders from 23 countries. This meeting was a platform for sharing current research and discussing future priorities, including research supported by the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

Dr. Eri Huttner, ACIAR’s crop research program manager, highlighted the significant potential impact of their investment in mungbean improvement research on partner countries, highlighting the growing global importance of the crop.

As the debate continues, the voices of those most affected – the farmers – should not be overlooked. Their first-hand experiences and insights should be paramount in developing policies that truly support and protect Kenya’s agricultural community. This approach is essential to prevent such crises from happening again.

In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring 2016 the International Year of Legumes. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) led this initiative, which significantly increases public awareness of the nutritional and environmental benefits of legumes, while emphasizing their function in sustainable food production.

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